Saturday, October 25, 2014

Blowin' in the wind.

      When I walked by this tree today, the same one I posted last week, I realized how very fast the countdown to winter is going. Branches that were bursting with color are now bare.
        Oh, there's still some leaves left. Some glorious days of sunshine and blue skies. But the wind is howling, like the clock ticking loudly, reminding us that these sunny days won't last long.
        As for my countdown to get ready for Florida, I've made some progress. Took the cat to the vet to be checked out, sorted out my supplemental health insurance and prescriptions,even made those pillows for my outdoor furniture in Florida and packed them away! One box down!
       And I have good plans for the week ahead: reconnecting with friends I won't see all winter, getting the church library ready to turn over to another volunteer, making holiday plans with my son Ryan Wallace and his wife Angela.
     This will be our sixth winter in Florida and the longest visit yet...a full four months.You'd think I'd  be an expert at packing by now, or at least have a full proof list, but every year requires something different. No sense taking exactly the same clothes every year. And I plan different projects. This year I'll be working on a family genealogy. In fact, I'm so interested in the genealogy project that it keeps getting in the way of my countdown projects. No dessert until you eat your veggies!

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