Thursday, August 23, 2012

Laughing at the City Club

Everyone always expects my book, Laughing for a Living, to be hilarious even though the title refers to my great luck to have a job that causes me laughter. But laughter is contagious and when I gave a presentation today at Women's City Club for a good crowd of about 70 people, we were all laughing at the life I've led. It was my first try at supplementing my presentation with Power Point, and I was afraid we'd be laughing at my technical failure. Thank goodness all went well. What a lovely, exciting place Women's City Club is. I've been there before as a visitor, but I was so excited to sign my name in a speakers book  that spans decades...and naturally, that's only one of many registers spanning the club's history of more than a century. The club is a venue for the upcoming Art Prize so if you haven't visited it before, be sure to stop in. The food is to die for.

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